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About the Authors
   Sarah Glass BSc (Hons), GDipHumNutr

Sarah is a Melbourne based British/Australian wife, mother and grandmother. During her main career Sarah worked for a major US IT company as a Project Manager in communications software, she is currently semi retired, a part time Share Market Analyst and Investor and now, an Author and Student!

Sarah has always been keen to study and learn, and has turned her attention to many areas of interest during her life. Recently her focus has been on Gut Health and discovering how to reboot her own health after a worrying diagnosis. In the process she has moved from poor health to increased vitality and wellness through lifestyle changes.

Having completed work on the book and also a Post-Grad Diploma in Human Nutrition, Sarah is now undertaking a Masters Degree in Human Nutrition with Deakin University in Melbourne to increase her knowledge and understanding of the topic.
   Jessica Smith-Glass (formerly Fowler) BSc

Jessica is Sarah's daughter and a Melbourne based public health research sector Business Analyst and Author, and is currently undertaking a Masters Degree in Public Health. She has been passionate about exploring health from a holistic perspective since attending a wellness retreat aged 17 after a bout of glandular fever.

Jessica is kept busy with a young daughter, and loves pottery, flowers, gardening and walks in the forest in her free time.

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